THE SANDWICH SIGN...does it really need all the "lettuce"?**

While walking to get a coffee on a typical main street, the sidewalk signs become treacherous obstacles, requiring nimble moves to navigate the delicate minefield they create.  Not only are you trying to walk a straight line but your inquisitive mind forces you to read them as well. But modern humans, we have a short attention span!

But with everyone looking down at their phones and NOT noticing  the $3K fascade sign above your door, sometimes the Sandwich Sign is a MUST! (Wind permitting of course) But you only have a few precious seconds to grab someone's attention, so let's make those seconds count

Picture this:  you're walking down the street, you approach the sign, eager to learn more, and there it is, instead of tantalizing details about the delectable delights that await you, your bombarded with random numbers and letters. Are you lost? Did your GPS malfunction? Nope, it's just the overly zealous DIY designer, trying to inform you of their business address (and possibly zip code.. which is another rant for another newsletter)

The person passing by KNOWS where you are (they are there too), they are not going to mail you a birthday card and if someone asks you where the great store is, I GUARANTEE you wont give them the postal address. (You'll respond next to the pizza place across from the waxing studio) 

Remember, brevity is the key to a successful sandwich sign. The address can wait until customers are already salivating at the thought of sinking their teeth into your specialty or opening their wallet for that cute thing they have to have. Let the short message be the star and your customers will follow, no GPS required! 

** get it?!!

The address is the lettuce...
and who really NEEDS lettuce on their sandwich. In my opinion is really serves not purpose. It just make you think your being healthy..

but it??


Blog Post Title Three